[OS X TeX] Angular Vernier scale
Aaron Jackson
jackson at msrce.howard.edu
Sun Jun 2 20:55:11 CEST 2013
On Jun 2, 2013, at 12:54 PM, Gary L. Gray <gray at psu.edu> wrote:
> On Jun 2, 2013, at 11:42 AM, Aaron Jackson <jackson at msrce.howard.edu> wrote:
>> BTW, this is an updated version of my previous code for posterity:
>> % A simple compass
>> % Author: Dario Orescanin
>> \documentclass{minimal}
>> \usepackage{tikz}
>> \begin{document}
>> \begin{centering}
>> % Define a few constants for easy configuration
>> \def\radius{2cm}
>> \def\onedegrad{1.8cm}
>> \def\fivedegrad{1.75cm}
>> \def\tendegrad{1.7cm}
>> \def\labelrad{1.6cm}
>> \def\minradius{2.3cm}
>> \def\fifteenmin{2.2cm}
>> \def\fivemin{2.1cm}
>> \def\minlabel{2.25cm}
>> \def\vernierunit{1.9}
>> \def\verniercount{10}
>> \def\rotation{-26.7}
>> \def\zeroOffset{270}
>> \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=3.5]
>> \clip (-1.25,-2.4) rectangle (1.25,-1.25);
>> % adding a subtle gray tone to add a bit of "personality"
>> \shade[shading=radial, inner color=white, outer color=gray!15] (0,0) circle (\radius);
>> \draw (0,0) circle (\radius);
>> \draw[fill=black] (0,0) circle (.02mm);
>> \node[draw, circle, inner sep=.2mm] (a) at (0,0) {};
>> % helper lines
>> % \foreach \x in {0, 45, ..., 360} \draw[very thin, gray!40] (a) -- (\x+\rotation:\radius);
>> % main lines
>> \foreach \x in {0,...,359} \draw (\x+\rotation:\onedegrad) -- (\x+\rotation:\radius);
>> % labels and longer lines at every 10 degrees
>> \foreach \x in {0,10,...,350}
>> {
>> \node[scale=1.4] at (270-\x+\rotation:\labelrad) {\x};
>> \draw (\x+\rotation:\tendegrad) -- (\x+\rotation:\radius);
>> };
>> % lines at every 5 degrees
>> \foreach \x in {0,5,...,355} \draw (\x+\rotation:\fivedegrad) -- (\x+\rotation:\radius);
>> \draw (0,0) circle (\minradius);
>> \foreach \x in {0,...,20} \draw (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\verniercount+\x*\vernierunit:\radius) -- (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\verniercount+\x*\vernierunit:\fivemin);
>> \foreach \x in {0,5,...,20} \draw (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\verniercount+\x*\vernierunit:\radius) -- (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\verniercount+\x*\vernierunit:\fifteenmin);
>> \pgfmathsetmacro{\y}{round(mod(10*\rotation,10))? round(mod(10*\rotation,10)) : 10};
>> \node at (\zeroOffset:\minlabel) {0};
>> \node at (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\verniercount:\minlabel) {60'};
>> \node at (\zeroOffset+\vernierunit*\verniercount:\minlabel) {60'};
>> \node at (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\verniercount+5*\vernierunit:\minlabel) {30'};
>> \node at (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\verniercount+15*\vernierunit:\minlabel) {30'};
>> \draw[red] (\zeroOffset:2*\radius-\fivemin) -- (\zeroOffset:\fivemin);
>> \draw[red] (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\y:2*\radius-\fivemin) -- (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\y:\fivemin);
>> \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\z}{\y}
>> \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\a}{round(\rotation)};
>> \ifnum\a=0\ifnum\z=10\draw[red] (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*-\y:2*\radius-\fivemin) -- (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*-\y:\fivemin);\fi\fi
>> \end{tikzpicture}
>> \end{centering}
>> \end{document}
> I am keeping this. What a cool example.
> Gary
Thanks. Now that I know that you are paying attention to my code my OCD kicked in, so I fixed a small but and made a couple of changes and included comments. This is the final version:
% A simple compass
% Author: Dario Orescanin
% Modified to include a vernier scale
% Author: Aaron Jackson
% Define a few constants for easy configuration
\def\rotation{-10.1} % Change this to draw different angle settings. The angle should be to the nearest .1 degree. Negative rotations are OK.
\clip (-1.25,-2.4) rectangle (1.25,-1.25);
% adding a subtle gray tone to add a bit of "personality"
\shade[shading=radial, inner color=white, outer color=gray!15] (0,0) circle (\radius);
\draw (0,0) circle (\radius);
\draw[fill=black] (0,0) circle (.02mm);
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=.2mm] (a) at (0,0) {};
% main lines
\foreach \x in {0,...,359} \draw (\x+\rotation:\onedegrad) -- (\x+\rotation:\radius);
% labels and longer lines at every 10 degrees
\foreach \x in {0,10,...,350}
\node[scale=1.4] at (270-\x+\rotation:\labelrad) {\x};
\draw (\x+\rotation:\tendegrad) -- (\x+\rotation:\radius);
% lines at every 5 degrees
\foreach \x in {0,5,...,355} \draw (\x+\rotation:\fivedegrad) -- (\x+\rotation:\radius);
% vernier code
% draw the outer circle
\draw (0,0) circle (\minradius);
% draw the lines at every 6 minutes
\foreach \x in {0,...,20} \draw (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\verniercount+\x*\vernierunit:\radius) -- (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\verniercount+\x*\vernierunit:\fivemin);
% draw the lines at every 30 minutes
\foreach \x in {0,5,...,20} \draw (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\verniercount+\x*\vernierunit:\radius) -- (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\verniercount+\x*\vernierunit:\thirtymin);
% label the 30 minute lines
\node at (\zeroOffset:\minlabel) {0};
\node at (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\verniercount:\minlabel) {60'};
\node at (\zeroOffset+\vernierunit*\verniercount:\minlabel) {60'};
\node at (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\verniercount+5*\vernierunit:\minlabel) {30'};
\node at (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\verniercount+15*\vernierunit:\minlabel) {30'};
% calculate the decimal part of the rotation angle--needed for the vernier match below
\pgfmathsetmacro{\y}{round(mod(10*\rotation,10)) ? round(mod(10*\rotation,10)) : (\rotation==abs(\rotation) ? 10 : -10)};
% calculate integer value for the decimal part of the rotation angle--needed for the \ifnum test below
% calculate the integer value for the whole part of the rotation angle--needed for the \ifnum test below
% highlight the whole part of the rotation angle--the 0 point of the vernier
\draw[red,ultra thick,opacity=0.3] (\zeroOffset:2*\radius-\fivemin) -- (\zeroOffset:\fivemin); % vernier match i.e. x.0 degrees
\draw[red] (\zeroOffset:2*\radius-\fivemin) -- (\zeroOffset:\fivemin); % somewhere between whole angles on the main scale
% highlight the vernier match
\draw[red,ultra thick,opacity=0.3] (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\y:2*\radius-\fivemin) -- (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*\y:\fivemin);
% If there is no rotation make sure BOTH 60 minute lines are highlighted
\ifnum\a=0\ifnum\z=10\draw[red,ultra thick,opacity=0.3] (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*-\y:2*\radius-\fivemin) -- (\zeroOffset-\vernierunit*-\y:\fivemin);\fi\fi
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