[OS X TeX] Installing mbboard
Don Green Dragon
fergdc at Shaw.ca
Thu Dec 5 03:24:50 CET 2013
Hi all,
Somewhere I read about this font program `mbboard’ which is a BlackBoard type of font but has both lowercase characters and digits in addition to uppercase characters. Currently I have available a BlackBoard font but it only provides uppercase letters.
Since I’m not sure which provides which here is the collection of packages that I have in my prelude:
\usepackage{amssymb} % allows AMS symbols -- ESSENTIAL
\usepackage{latexsym} % allows LaTeX symbols
\usepackage{amsfonts} % allows AMS fonts
%\usepackage{eucal} % experimental -- may not need [mathscr] option below
\usepackage[mathscr]{eucal} % use \mathcal & \mathscr fonts -- CALligraphic & SCRipt
% \mathscr{...} ignores lowercase and digits
% \mathcal{...} transforms lowercase and digits into garbage
\usepackage{mathrsfs} % allows nice math script characters -- if not included, then the call
% \mathscr{ABC} produces Calligraphic-like chars too similar
% to those produced by \mathcal{ABC}. Lowercase & digits ignored
\usepackage{mathabx} % allows use of \dotseq, \coloneq, \rightsquigarrow
\usepackage{amscd} % allows Commutative Diagrams
%\usepackage{amsxtra} % allows use of 'extra' math accents
%\usepackage{mbboard} % allows blackboard chars for upper, lower, digits - NOT FOUND
If I uncomment the last line and typeset, then I receive the error message:
! LaTeX Error: File `mbboard.sty' not found
So I went to CTAN, found and downloaded a file «mbboard.zip" (108 KB) which unzipped produced a directory «mbboard" in my Downloads directory. This directory contains one file «mbboard.html" which does not tell one how to install the software and two directories:
source and texinputs
which contain
doncarvel:~/downloads/mbboard$ ls
mbboard.html source texinputs
doncarvel:~/downloads/mbboard$ ls source
COMP mbbbase.mf mbbgrkup.mf mbbromlg.mf mbbx17.mf
COMPILE mbbcr10.mf mbbheb10.mf mbbromlo.mf mbbx5.mf
mbb10.mf mbbcrkdr.mf mbbhebdr.mf mbbromup.mf mbbx6.mf
mbb12.mf mbbcrklo.mf mbbhebma.mf mbbromxl.mf mbbx7.mf
mbb17.mf mbbcrkup.mf mbbhebrw.mf mbbromxu.mf mbbx8.mf
mbb5.mf mbbdigit.mf mbbhebvw.mf mbbsc10.mf mbbx9.mf
mbb6.mf mbbdrivr.mf mbbi10.mf mbbsl10.mf mbbxbold.mf
mbb7.mf mbbextra.mf mbblight.mf mbbsmcdr.mf
mbb8.mf mbbgr10.mf mbbpunct.mf mbbsymbl.mf
mbb9.mf mbbgrkdr.mf mbbr10.mf mbbx10.mf
mbbaccnt.mf mbbgrklo.mf mbbrbx10.mf mbbx12.mf
doncarvel:~/downloads/mbboard$ ls texinputs
mbboard.dcl mbboard.sty mbboard.tex mbbtest.tex testmac.tex
The above shows the missing file mbboard.sty but I don’t know what to do with all the above.
don green dragon
fergdc at shaw.ca
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