[OS X TeX] Another math font for MinionPro

David Watson dewatson at me.com
Thu May 10 22:51:47 CEST 2012

What I don't get is the insistence of performing all of these strange font installations, when all you have to do is find the fonts in your personal library (assuming you have Adobe Reader or Acrobat installed), double click on them so that they open in Font Book, click on the button in the sample pane to install the font, and then use LuaLaTeX with the fontspec package to declare the fonts:

\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX, BoldFont = {* Semibold},BoldItalicFont={* Semibold Italic}]{MinionPro}

You can remove the options for the BoldFont if you don't have the Semibold weights and/or you prefer it that way.

On May 10, 2012, at 3:33 PM, Michael Sharpe wrote:

> On May 10, 2012, at 2:10 AM, Nestor E. Aguilera wrote:
>> On 10 May 2012, at 02:40, Michael Sharpe wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> You may find it easier to install support from minion.zip at
>>> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3825336/TeX/index.html
>>> It's assumed that you have a recent version of the four basic MinionPro otf fonts, perhaps from Adobe Reader. You need to convert each of them to pfb format using
>>> cfftot1 MinionPro-Regular.otf MinionPro-Regular.pfb
>>> etc, unless the .pfb already exists in your texmf forest. Otherwise, copy the pfb files into fonts/type1/adobe/minion folder.   In a Terminal window, cd to inside the expanded minion.zip (you should see only folders named fonts and tex) and type
>>> sudo cp -Rf * /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local
>>> or the equivalent command you use for font installation, then
>>> sudo mktexlsr
>>> and finally
>>> sudo -H updmap-sys --enable Map=minion.map
>>> after which you should be able to say
>>> \usepackage{minion}
>>> without invoking MnSymbol.
>> OK! Now I don't get the "pmnj" errors, but I still get complaints on "nxlmi", and the suggestion that it might be "missing from the map file".
> Hi Nestor,
> the virtual font nxlmi (a tfm,vf pair) is part of the distribution, so it is possible that there is something wrong with its installation. 
> Things to try in a Terminal window:
> Just to be sure the lsr databases are updated,
> sudo mktexlsr
> Then 
> kpsewhich nxlmi.tfm 
> which I expect will return nothing, 
> find /usr/local/texlive//texmf-local -name nxlmi.tfm
> may return some permission denied error messages, but, if newts was properly installed, should return something like
> /usr/local/texlive//texmf-local/fonts/tfm/public/ntx/nxlmi.tfm (the /ntx/ may be /newtx/.)
> If not, the tfm is in the wrong place and the entire newts distribution should be reinstalled. 
> Michael
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