[OS X TeX] Fwd: [lucida] Old style numerals with small caps
Herbert Schulz
herbs at wideopenwest.com
Sun May 6 05:38:27 CEST 2012
Received this for forwarding from Bruno Voisin.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Bruno Voisin <bvoisin at me.com>
> Subject: Fwd: [lucida] Old style numerals with small caps
> Date: May 5, 2012 6:18:49 PM CDT
> To: Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com>
> Hi Herb,
> I see on the OS X TeX list archive that's you've answered Josep Maria Font's Lucida question, cross-posted to the Lucida and OS X TeX lists.
> Here's an answer I posted to the Lucida list. Would you forward it to the OS X TeX list (I'm no longer subscribed to it)?
> The \oldstylenums part of the question has already been answered by you, but I see nothing so far related to the small caps part.
> Cheers,
> Bruno
>> De : Bruno Voisin <bvoisin at me.com>
>> Objet : Rép : [lucida] Old style numerals with small caps
>> Date : 4 mai 2012 19:02:11 HAEC
>> À : Josep Maria Font <jmfont at ub.edu>
>> Cc : "TeXnical discussion of the Lucida fonts." <lucida at tug.org>
>> Le 4 mai 2012 à 17:06, Josep Maria Font a écrit :
>>> Has anyone experienced this behaviour and/or has some advice on how to recover our beloved old-style numerals ?
>> Two things:
>> - To get oldstyle nums in small caps, it seems you need to use LY1 encoding, not T1. Namely, replace
>> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
>> by
>> \usepackage[LY1]{fontenc}
>> - \oldstylenums is defined by the textcomp package (to be used together with T1 encoding), but it seems this has been disabled recently. Says the doc of the lucimatx package (the PCTeX Lucida support package):
>> Current textcomp blocks \oldstylenums in family hlh, because OsF are not available in all shapes
>> At the same time they propose a fix
>> \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlh}{1}
>> which does work. (Namely, with lucidabr loaded, keep \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}, add \usepackage{textcomp} and the above line -- this will make \oldstylenums work, but won't do anything about the small caps.)
>> Finally, again there's a simpler solution with the OpenType Lucida fonts, should you consider purchasing them from TUG. Namely, just use fontspec and write
>> SmallCapsFeatures={Numbers=OldStyle}
>> when loading the font. As a result, replace
>> \usepackage[LY1]{fontenc}
>> \usepackage[expert,vargreek,altbullet]{lucidabr}
>> by
>> \usepackage{fontspec,unicode-math}
>> \defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures=TeX,RawFeature=+itlc}
>> \setmainfont[%
>> BoldFont={* Demibold},
>> BoldItalicFont={* Demibold Italic},
>> SmallCapsFeatures={Numbers=OldStyle}
>> ]{Lucida Bright OT}
>> \setsansfont[%
>> BoldFont={* Demibold},
>> BoldItalicFont={* Demibold Italic}
>> ]{Lucida Sans OT}
>> \setmonofont{Lucida Sans Typewriter OT}
>> \setmathfont[%
>> BoldFont={* Demibold}
>> ]{Lucida Bright Math OT}
>> The additional BoldFont etc. instructions are for LuaLaTeX which (last I tried 6 weeks ago) had problems recognizing that demibold should be used as bold, and similarly the +itlc raw OpenType feature adds italic corrections. These additional instructions are not necessary with XeLaTeX.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Bruno
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>> --
>> http://tug.org/lucida/
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Good Luck,
Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
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