[OS X TeX] path names with umlauts

Ross Moore ross.moore at mq.edu.au
Tue Mar 20 19:16:57 CET 2012

Hi Herb, and Axel,


now \includepdf  let's you import all the pages in an external PDF document,
essentially running \includegraphics , with specifiable options, on each page.

On 21/03/2012, at 3:44, Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com> wrote:

>> When I use:
>> \includepdf{Müller, Günther/test.pdf}
>> I get:
>> ./test2.tex:11: Undefined control sequence.
>> l.11 \includepdf
>>               {Müller, Günther/test.pdf}
>> ? 
>> [1] (./test2.aux) )
>> I get the same with 
>> \includepdf{Müllertest.pdf}
>> There seems to be a problem with my MacTeX installation.
>> I'm using TeXshop 2.43 on MacOSX.
>> Axel
> Howdy,
> What package defines the \includepdf command? Are you using the graphicx package? Then the command is \includegraphics{...} not \includepdf.

Hope this helps,


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