[OS X TeX] path names with umlauts

Axel Kielhorn tex at axelkielhorn.de
Tue Mar 20 17:30:23 CET 2012

Am 20.03.2012 um 11:51 schrieb RA Friedrich Vosberg:

> Morning.
> Is there a tool to enable LaTeX and particularly TeXShop to accept umlauts and spaces in path and file names?
> I won't like to change the directory names on my system. A lot of them are the names of my clients, e.g. »Müller, Günther«. When I try to include a PDF file from within /Müller, Günther into another document by using \includepdf{/Müller, Günther/filename.pdf) it doesn't work.

When I use:

\includepdf{Müller, Günther/test.pdf}

I get:

./test2.tex:11: Undefined control sequence.
l.11 \includepdf
                {Müller, Günther/test.pdf}
[1] (./test2.aux) )

I get the same with 

There seems to be a problem with my MacTeX installation.

I'm using TeXshop 2.43 on MacOSX.


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