[OS X TeX] Experience with TeXnicle?

Enrico Franconi franconi at inf.unibz.it
Sun Jan 29 01:23:57 CET 2012

>> One thing (of several) that keeps me from trying out Latexian has to do with the processing. It appears that you are restricted to latex (tex->dvi->ps->dpf), pdflatex (tex->pdf) and xetex (tex->xdv->pdf --- intermediate step transparent) with possible runs of bibtex and/or makeindex in between. There is no way to actually create new engines that use latexmk, automate processing of files the use biber rather than bibtex, properly process files which create multiple bibliographies or indexes, etc. That's a real deal breaker for me.
> latexmk is a must for me.

True. But - as Steve Jobs taught us - elegance and simplicity don't go along with customisation :-)
If I were really worried about customisability at the expense of usability, I would have stayed with emacs, which indeed I used for all my latexing until one year ago. Fringe customers don't fit Latexian, I guess...

>> By the way TeXShop has a Go To Error button on the Console window that allows you to go to the position in the source file that contains the error. It also allows you to jump to different sections, etc., although it doesn't do code folding.
> Yup.
> And I want to be able to inspect a log file for fonts used by pdflatex.

Latexian has a button for the log - which you need seldom - and a more convenient way to track errors - a more frequent task.


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