[OS X TeX] Can TeX help out here? Merging PDF with various page sizes and keeping it vector.

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Jan 13 16:51:07 CET 2012

Am 13.1.2012 um 16:13 schrieb Gerben Wierda:

> - One PDF as result
> - Each page has a different size and orientation
> - Each page contains a PDF vector image that is not to be converted to pixels

PDF version 1.8 allows a PDF container format – in theory this should work. So starting with the commercial Adobe Acrobat 7 such a document should be distilled.

Did you try in TeX to define a physical page size so big that all PDFs fit onto that page? It might than be possible to use PDF specials (or some Oberdiek utility) to make the PDF viewer open the individual pages at particular orientation and magnification...



Imbecility, n.:
	A kind of divine inspiration, or sacred fire affecting censorious critics of this dictionary.
				– Ambrose Bierce: _The Devil's Dictionary_

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