[OS X TeX] migrating from Emacs to TexShop

Enrico Franconi franconi at inf.unibz.it
Sun Feb 5 17:41:23 CET 2012


On 5 Feb 2012, at 17:21, M. Tamer Özsu wrote:

> Now, if you would share tidy.service, we would be in great shape...
> On 2012-02-05, at 4:27 PM, Enrico Franconi wrote:
>> I believe that the idea to force LF to format structured text does not belong to the modern times - when windows do resize freely. I am fully with Herbert (if I understand him well): we do not need forced LFs, and we need to reformat our brain to the more powerful ways to organise structured text of the modern times :-)
>> Since I have been a hard-core emacs user, I gave this issue a serious thought before leaving emacs, and I concluded that we need to switch our paradigm, by having LFs only when there is a logical need, rather than when the text hits the current accidental right margin of the window you are working on when creating/editing the text. Of course, this makes sense only if the text editing environment gives you a complete set of operations (and their shortcuts) supporting the editing effort. Now, the Mac does provide these operations (e.g., like Herbert was pointing out, the Mac has even a "go-to-the-end-of-the currently-displayed-line-even-if-there-is-no-LF-there"; or Latexian provides an automatic (LaTeX-aware) indentation of new lines and of soft-wrapped lines). The only thing that it is missing in a Mac editing environment is a (LaTeX-aware) "tidy" operation, which basically transforms a selected text into a *clean* LF-free text; this is the purpose of my "tidy" service.
>> So, this is how I do emulate in this new mindset the fill-paragraph operation: first - with clever shortcuts - select the paragraph(s), and then tidy the selection; the editor will automatically indent the soft-wrapped lines, et voila, we have reached an outcome which looks exactly like the fill-paragraph.

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