[OS X TeX] More Minion

Michael Sharpe msharpe at ucsd.edu
Sun Apr 22 18:24:49 CEST 2012

On Apr 21, 2012, at 9:49 PM, Richard Seguin wrote:

> On Apr 21, 2012, at 10:29 PM, Richard Seguin wrote:
>> I've never especially liked the plain or black square QED symbols. Minion has a good alternative in its ornament set that I prefer. It's a plain square with heavier lines on the right and top than the other two lines. It's more catchy to the eye than the regular plain square and less of a blot than the black one. To use it:
>> \usepackage{pifont}
>> \renewcommand{\qedsymbol}{\Pisymbol{MinionPro-Extra}{149}}
> I just noticed that if I attempt to use other (randomly selected) ornament numbers from 100 - 148 I just get a tiny square box with an X in it. I wonder if the Reader X fonts are missing most of the ornaments.

I don't have this problem, but I use an older, more complete version of MinionPro that came with Creative Suite 3. Perhaps a long shot, but Adobe did change the encoding files in 2009, and it may be the case that your version of the fonts requires the new encoding files. They be downloaded from


Unzip them into your working folder to test whether they make a difference, and, if so, replace the installed versions with these ones.


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