[OS X TeX] Strange TeXShop engine behaviour
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Sep 23 01:12:58 CEST 2011
Am 23.09.2011 um 00:40 schrieb Alan Munn:
> if I add
> export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
> to the engine, then it works.
Yes, this will work by overriding whatever TeXShop sets for the process environment in which the ENGINE file will run.
OTOH, it's also possible that you supply TeXShop with an inadequate LANG setting. The mechanism by which a Mac OS X application is launched does not include using a shell, as it would in other Unices. Therefore the file ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist exists to correct the environment, which is set when you press RETURN in the "login window".
You can check TeXShop's behaviour by launching it from a shell this way:
env LANG=en_US.UTF-8 /Applications/TeX/TeXShop.app/Contents/MacOS/TeXShop &
Here TeXShop should run in an UTF-8 environment, and it should pass this setting to a process it starts. You could check with this and the original ENGINE script whether TeXShop works correctly.
If all else fails read the instructions.
- Donald Knuth
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