[OS X TeX] Fwd: Squeezing MacTex onto a Macbook Air
Adam M. Goldstein
z_californianus-dated-1306957889.ab20b0 at shiftingbalance.org
Fri May 27 21:51:31 CEST 2011
The TeX Live DVD comes ready to run; I wonder if it could be transferred to a USB flash drive, and you can run everything from there. You do have the extra flash drive to carry around; but you will save space on your disk for other apps, documents, etc.
Toward creating space by other means, I know there are a few tools out there for deleting the mac's system localizations (languages). This frees up a lot of space.
On May 27, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Alan Munn wrote:
> On May 27, 2011, at 2:58 PM, Bob wrote:
>> I want to use Mactex on a Mac Air that only has a 64 GB disk so every GB
>> counts. I noticed that the MacTeX.mpkg.zip seems to have duplicate
>> trees, one under the home directory of the archive and one under MACOSX.
> How did you determine this? Are you talking about the zip archive itself, the mpkg or what?
> These don't really tell you much about what's installed.
>> Are both of these necessary?
>> Does the installer only choose the version for my computer's operating
>> system so the duplication in the zip file does not matter if I delete it
>> after the installation is complete?
Once the installation is complete, you can delete the installer and .dmg.
My guess is that the MacTeX installer will only install what's needed for the mac os. No duplication once it's on your machine.
Dick Koch would be able to give you the definitive answer to this.
Adam M. Goldstein PhD, MSLIS
z_californianus at shiftingbalance.org
Associate Editor
Reviews Editor
Evolution: Education & Outreach
Spellman 205
(914) 637-2717 (msg)
Dept of Philosophy
Iona College
715 North Avenue
New Rochelle NY 10801
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