[OS X TeX] IPad
R Martinez
rm.tech at mac.com
Fri May 6 19:32:39 CEST 2011
I also use TeXTouch on the iPad, and like it very much. I agree with the comments by Andrea Raiconi regarding TeXTouch's limited usefulness for heavy LaTeX work.
Like Andrea, I use TeXTouch for revisions. In addition, I use it to take notes when I'm reading technical and non-technical materials. I strongly recommend a wireless keyboard (I use Apple's wireless keyboard) rather than the iPad's virtual keyboard for typing text. I use TeXTouch's virtual keyboards for LaTeX symbols.
The developer is very responsive to queries.
I recommend TeXTouch for the iPad.
On May 6, 2011, at 6:36 AM, Andrea Raiconi wrote:
> I bought TexTouch some days ago.
> It seems to work reasonably well (tried to compile remotely a simple tex file and everything worked without glitches) and the interface isn't bad at all, although syntax coloring is missing. It seems that style and bib file are not supported at the moment.
> I'm planning to use it for small adjustments during travels or similar situations, but I don't think it's really something I would use for hard work on a daily basis.
> Il giorno May 6, 2011, alle ore 3:24 PM, Tomas Jonsson ha scritto:
>> TeXTouch, a LaTex editor for iPad on iTunes App Store:
>> http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tex-touch/id377627321?mt=8
>> I haven't tried it.
>> 6 maj 2011 kl. 14.59 skrev Adam M. Goldstein:
>>> On May 6, 2011, at 7:47, Leslie Morland <l.morland at uea.ac.uk> wrote:
>>>> An IPad looks an attractive lightweight alternative to a MacBookPro for travel abroad, but I would want to use latex, and "excel", as well as internet connexion. Apple sales tell me latex help is a free download, and numbers, which allow these. Can you advise about these, specifically the latex, or alternatives, please. Bibtex?
>>> You can't run LaTeX on the iPad. Search the list archives for discussion of this very point. When the iPad was first released, various means of running LaTeX remotely and syncing files as they are updated were discussed. I am pretty sure some good solutions were arrived at.
>>> I see others have already responded with advice about iPad use.
>>> Describing LaTeX help as a "free download" isn't really right. There is no one package or document that you can download. There is an enormous amount of free information, however.
>>>> I suspect such queries have already been aired, but I only file items of interest at the time. So much has been discussed by the many willing experts on the list, and I wonder if some of them could be pursuaded to write a TeXShop book akin to Pogue's "Missing Manuals" which would be a wonderful reference text, wanted by many.
>>> The reference text is the collected wisdom of the users/developers stored in list archives online, as well as a variety of free documents. http://www.ctan.org will point you in the right direction.
>>> In print there really are manuals, including one by Lamport, LaTeX's creator, and the LaTeX "companion" series.
>>> http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0201541998/ref=aw_d_detail?pd=1
>>> ------------------
>>> Adam M. Goldstein PhD, MSLIS
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>> Tomas Jonsson
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> Andrea Raiconi, Ph.D.
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