[OS X TeX] Re : Does some package handle this character ? (right lower corner filled triangle)
David Watson
dewatson at me.com
Tue Mar 8 09:32:16 CET 2011
On Mar 8, 2011, at 1:43 AM, Ewan Delanoy wrote:
> >Switch to XeTeX and access it at codepoint: U+025E2 .
> >e.g. as \char"25E2
> >
> >with a font that has this character. There are many.
> >(see attached image)
> Thanks Ross! The fonts in my Font window (as suggested in your attached image) are actually Mac Fonts,
> not TeX/LaTeX fonts. So I'm afraid they are of no help ; I can without difficulty
> print whatever character I please in the source file and compile it with
> XeLaTeX, but the exotic characters aren't displayed in the PDF, which is not
> surprising. The \char command is not better : the minimal example
> \documentclass{article}
> \begin{document}
> Here is an exotic character : \char"25E2 or <character written directly here>
> \end{document}
Unless I'm way off base here, you have to actually >select< the mac font in XeLaTeX, which it appears you have not done.
Most preambles that work with XeLaTeX have something along the lines of:
\setsansfont[Scale=MatchLowercase,Mapping=tex-text]{Gill Sans}
\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Andale Mono}
There are about 45 different fonts on my relatively up-to-date computer with MS Office 2011 installed. Unfortunately, many of mine seem to be MS specific or CJK fonts, aside from the Apple fonts, which are relatively few and far between.
> does not work, as the PDF does not display the exotic character.
> What is missing from my example is a font specification, right? I browsed
> http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/ but could not find any indication
> of which fonts handle exotic Unicode characters.
> On the extremely short file above, compilation with XeLaTeX (in TeXShop) was
> around ten times longer a pdflatex compilation on a long .tex file. Is that normal
> behaviour?
> Ewan
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