[OS X TeX] TexTouch and TeXCloud on the iPad
François Chaplais
francois.chaplais at mines-paristech.fr
Fri Aug 5 20:13:48 CEST 2011
TexTouch, which is an iPad app, is primarily a LaTeX editor. It has, for some time, provided a "cloud" service for typesetting your documents. It works this way: you set up a (free) account trough the app, and, after that, provided you have uploaded your LaTeX files to the server, typesetting of a document will be available within the iPad app. All of this for free (for the moment). I have tested the service with a reasonable LaTeX article (some 10 pages with bibliography) and it returned a correct pdf. You can also transfer your (both ways) files to Dropbox.
With the remote typesetter provided by the app, there is no need to do voodoo magic to do the typeset; this is provided as a service by the app's author.
If you plan to do some LaTeX editing and typesetting on the go, I recommend the app.
A side consequence of buying the app is that it will not only provide the author with some money for the development, but also for the remote hosting and typesetting.
To buy it, look for "Textouch" on the appstore. (the links that I have lead to the french appstore, which may be useless for many).
There is also an iPhone application, that have not bought (and hence, not tested)
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