[OS X TeX] LaTeXiT producing blank output

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Apr 8 21:31:35 CEST 2011

Am 08.04.2011 um 20:09 schrieb Ken Mankoff:

> OK you have found something. But! I'm using 'pdflatex' so gs  
> shouldn't be part of the picture.

It has to! TeX does not try to compute the size of included images, it  
delegates it to auxiliary utilities like ebb or bbox, except pdftex  
and xetex can read the image and extract information like size,  
resolution, colour management. The use of the geometry package with  
dimensions in TeX big points (bp) results from the use of Ghostscript  
and Perl (which does the conversion from PostScript points [1 inch has  
72.27 points] to TeX bp [1 inch has exactly 72 bp]?).

> My gs was in fink and had this problem:

You can try to rebuild it. And you should! Elder versions of libpng  
had security flaws (modern ones might also have some). Another option  
is to try the new Ghostscript 9.01 or 9.02 packages from MacTeX.

Anyway... you write you had these problems. When was this? A few hours  
ago? Which version of gs are you using now? Where is the LaTeXit  
failure now?



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