[OS X TeX] Minipage Vertical Alignment

KHALID NADIRI khalid.nadiri at gmail.com
Sun Sep 12 21:23:43 CEST 2010

Hi all,

I'm trying to vertically align the year & degree minipages under the Education section of the tex code listed below.  As you can see, the degree information is being placed below the corresponding years.  Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?

Thank you,





% Set your name here
\def\name{Blah Blah}

% The following metadata will show up in the PDF properties
  colorlinks = true,
  urlcolor = blue,
  pdfauthor = {\name},
  pdfkeywords = {political science, civil wars, conflict, political economy, development},
  pdftitle = {\name: Curriculum Vitae},
  pdfsubject = {Curriculum Vitae},
  pdfpagemode = UseNone

  body={6.5in, 9.0in},

% Customize page headers

% Custom section fonts

% Other possible font commands include:
% \ttfamily for teletype,
% \sffamily for sans serif,
% \bfseries for bold,
% \scshape for small caps,
% \normalsize, \large, \Large, \LARGE sizes.

% Don't indent paragraphs.

% Make lists without bullets and compact spacing


% Place name at left
{\LARGE \name}

% Alternatively, print name centered and bold:
%\centerline{\huge \bf \name}



  Blah Blah Department \\
  Blah Blah University \\
  Blah Blah  Avenue \\
  Blah Blah \\
  Blah Blah Phone \\
  Blah Blah Fax \\
  Blah Blah Homepage \\
  Blah Blah Email \\

\section*{Research Interests}


\item Blah Blah



\item 2014
\end {itemize}
\item 2008
\item 2003

\item Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Blah Blah, Blah Blah University
\item\textit{Research Fields:} Blah Blah, Blah Blah, Blah Blah
\end {itemize}
\item M.A., Department of Blah Blah, Blah Blah University
\item B.A., Department of Blah Blah, Blah Blah University


% Footer
    Last updated: \today


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