[OS X TeX] using \cleardoublepage

Don Green Dragon fergdc at Shaw.ca
Sun Oct 31 02:12:43 CET 2010

Hi Herb,

On 2010-2810-, at 4:34 AM, Herbert Schulz wrote:

> <<snip>>
> The \cleardoublepage command works fine but you need to know what it does.

How true! Initially, I mis-thought that there was some sort of connection between \cleardoublepage and the file cleardoublepage.sty.

> It first clears the page, then allows all unprocessed floats to go on separate float pages and then forces things to go to an odd/facing page, i.e., if the next blank page is odd it empties a single page. It only behaves like that in document classes where it makes sense, e.g., the book class; in other document classes it behaves like \clearpage, e.g., article and report.
> \documentclass{book}
> \begin{document}
> Something
> \cleardoublepage
> Something else
> \end{document}

Nice example! If you throw in \usepackage{cleardoublepage} before \begin{document}, then page 2 is totally blank, and "Something else" is forced to page 3. In your example, page 2 is decorated with the page number.

Don Green Dragon
fergdc at Shaw.ca

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