[OS X TeX] Re: Working with many files in TeXShop
Ferguson, Don
fergdc at uleth.ca
Mon May 31 21:10:34 CEST 2010
Greetings "Claus Gerhardt" <gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de>
On 30/05/2010 at 14:24 you wrote concerning
[OS X TeX] Working with many files in TeXShop
Hi Claus,
Thank you for the tips. Useful here.
CG> (5) When you have a large screen and a modern Mac use Flashmode, then you will immediately notice when a compilation error occurs and consulting the log is only rarely necessary.
My iMac is about one month old, so it should be "modern"! But what is Flashmode?
Cheers Don (Green Dragon)
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