[OS X TeX] Accented characters in Xe(La)TeX
cfrees at imapmail.org
cfrees at imapmail.org
Mon May 31 20:05:25 CEST 2010
On Mon 31st May, 2010 at 12:01, Peter Dyballa seems to have written:
> Am 31.05.2010 um 07:49 schrieb Ross Moore:
>> As in the attached image?
> With the unchanged \fytest macro I don't get this overstriking effect with
> {\fontspec{Venturis ADF}\fytest
> \textbf{\fytest}
> \textit{\fytest}
> \textbf{\itshape\fytest}}
> and in all font variants at exactly the same place the unavailability sign.
I don't see the overstriking effect either. But I get the same
incorrect characters for Venturis ADF regular (as opposed to bold,
italic etc.) I only *don't* get the incorrect characters if I specify
the otf font file explicitly.
> Î, î, Ï, and ï have at their left side more kerning (ligaturing, melting
> effect), too much IMO, than on the right side.
Thanks for the feedback - I'll pass this on. (I don't have anything to
do with the font design.)
> --
> Greetings
> Pete
> They're putting dimes in the hole in my head to see the change in me.
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