[OS X TeX] Accented characters in Xe(La)TeX
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon May 31 11:33:53 CEST 2010
Am 31.05.2010 um 04:37 schrieb cfrees at imapmail.org:
> At least, I removed /Library/Caches/com.apple.ATS, rebooted,
I don't have this file on Leopard, but
com.apple.psnormalizer.fontcache.501 (501 is my UID). Instead
ATSServer has its cache in the /private/var/folders tree. ('top -l 1 |
grep ATS' will give you two lines, the one with the smaller PID runs
with your UID, so use now 'lsof -p <that PID>' so see the files it has
> (Claim that it shouldn't work is based on the
> fontspec documentation which states this works only with xdvipdfmx and
> that this isn't the default on OS X.)
The default XDV -> PDF convertor in Mac OS X is since TeX Live 2008
> So now I have some things working which shouldn't & some things not
> working which should?!
You could try again with some utility to clean the font caches...
Before try to organise the fonts in Font Book in Libraries and
Collections, switching them off to resolve duplicates.
Think of XML as Lisp for COBOL programmers.
- Tony-A (some guy on /.)
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