[OS X TeX] Working with many files in TeXShop
Claus Gerhardt
gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Sun May 30 16:24:52 CEST 2010
Here are a few tips for working with with many files in TS:
(1) Tell TS to open source and pdf window in a fixed position. Then you will only see two windows regardless of the number of files opened.
(2) When you have a file in front and don't see its matching twin sync to it.
(3) It is pointless to have auxiliary files permanently open since they will not be automatically refreshed. It is better to open them on the spot via a macro.
(4) When writing a paper or a book load the packages hyperref and
\usepackage[notref, notcite]{showkeys}
for navigating the pdf file and looking up the already defined labels. When writing a book only the root file should be compiled, use \include and \includeonly.
(5) When you have a large screen and a modern Mac use Flashmode, then you will immediately notice when a compilation error occurs and consulting the log is only rarely necessary.
(6) Never use a MacBook or a small screen when writing a book or a larger paper.
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