[OS X TeX] TeXShop: tab completion for command completion
Christian Pleul
chrisptex at googlemail.com
Sun May 30 16:07:27 CEST 2010
Am 29.05.2010 um 21:16 schrieb Herbert Schulz:
> On May 29, 2010, at 12:29 PM, Christian Pleul wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Is there a way to configure TeXShop use something like tab completion. I think of typing
>> sec
>> and press the tab-Button and then get a completion like
>> \section{}\label{sec:}
>> where I type something between the first curly brackets and then go t the next ones.
>> What the others think???
> Howdy,
> It's already there but it uses the Esc key and is called Command Completion!
> Do you have TeXShop 2.33?
> Did you update from an earlier (pre 2.30) update? If so move the ~/Library/TeXShop/CommandCompletion folder to the Desktop and restart TeXShop and an updated version of that folder will be created which has the latest Command Completion data file.
> If your first TeXShop version was 2.30 or later you already have the correct data files.
> Also in the new ~/Library/TeXShop/CommandCompletion folder is a ``Command Completion for TeXShop.pdf'' file with instructions on its use. At first it may feel as though you are memorizing lots of things but it will become natural and there is no need to remember everything there at once.
> Good Luck,
> Herb Schulz
Dear Herb,
Thanks for the suggestions. I will check that out for the completion. Just for the first view. The completion uses esc. I used to tab, is there a way to change that?
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