[OS X TeX] TeXShop Feature Question
cfrees at imapmail.org
cfrees at imapmail.org
Sat May 29 20:31:54 CEST 2010
On Sat 29th May, 2010 at 15:31, Josep Maria Font seems to have written:
> On the recent feature requests suggested by Christian Pleul:
>>> 1) Tabs: More than one file could be opened in one window.
> Would be nice if this meant that each tab affects the whole typesetting process: viewer, log file, etc. Having all in parallel would be nice. Now, you can have several documents open and typeset them in succession but only one log (sorry, one console) is kept...
I get separate consoles for different documents. Is that what you mean?
Right now, I have two console windows in TeXShop corresponding to the
two TeX files which are open and have been typeset.
Sometimes it would be nice if TeXShop opened the associated .log as
well as the associated .pdf file when a .tex file is opened. But that's
the only time I see typeset files without console windows (unless I've
deliberately closed them, of course).
- cfr
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