[OS X TeX] Looking for hebrew LaTeX fonts
Alain Schremmer
schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Sat May 29 19:09:36 CEST 2010
On May 29, 2010, at 9:42 AM, Victor Ivrii wrote:
> On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Alain Schremmer
> <schremmer.alain at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> PS: Note to the original poster: such queries belong to texlive
>>> mailing
>>> list
>> Well, if we are going to be that specialized, I thing about 90% of my
>> queries will have to be re-directed. But where to? Sigh!
> Alain, the problem with this particular query is that the people who
> should answer it are not subscribers of this list. If I have not
> forwarded it to TL list situation would not be clarified:
> With the help of Robin Fairbanks it was found on CTAN
> ftp://ftp.ctan.org//pub/tex-archive/language/hebrew/hebtex/unix/new/
> hebfonts.tar.gz
> but they will not be a part of TL as (citation of RB)
> none of hebtex has a coherent licence statement, but when i
> examined it,
> the impression i got was mostly "nonfree", and i catalogued it ass
> such.
> nonfree theings don't get into tex live. in this case, the
> distribution
> is such a shambles that hebtex isn't even in miktex (that often holds
> things catalogued as non-free).
> General TeX questions are much better answered in texhax mailing list
> (or in comp.text.tex newsgroup which is pestered by spammers but also
> frequented by very knowledgeable and helpful people, some of them do
> not subscribe mailing lists), and TeXLive specific questions are much
> better answered in tex-live mailing list.
Point (well) made.
Apologetic regards
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