[OS X TeX] Re: Help for Windows users of MacTex files?
Alain Schremmer
schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Thu May 27 22:36:15 CEST 2010
On May 27, 2010, at 2:36 PM, Ramón Figueroa-Centeno wrote:
> Aloha Alain,
> If you want the simplicity of TeXShop I would go with TeXworks
> <http://www.tug.org/texworks/> (it comes with MacTeX 2009 so you
> may already
> have a copy, for the Mac, installed). Another multi-platform choice is
> TeXmakerX http://texmakerx.sourceforge.net/> a branch of TeXmaker
> (which
> does not have its own pdf previewer, though). Then of course you
> would need
> a TeX installation (TeXLive or MikTeX would do).
> Enjoy!
Hooold it. Why is everyone assuming that I, schremmer, want a Windows
installation? I don't even have a windows box. In fact, I don't even
have a TV or a cell phone. Please bear with me:
[A] Say I want the Answer Key to Homework 7 for RAF. Here is what I
have to do:
(1) Doubleclick RAFv4-0 > HOMEWORKS-controls > 7.tex
(2) Uncomment \AnswerKey (And make sure all other commands are
(3) Click on Typeset in 7.tex (Both 7.tex and 7.pdf appear)
(4) Click on Typeset in 7.tex (A second time)
(5) Click on Print in 7.pdf
And that is it. I got my Answer Key to Homework 7.
[B] So, what I tell teachers who have a Mac, are not the least
interested in LaTex, but who do want the Answer Key to Homework 7 is:
a) Download MacTeX from http://www.tug.org/mactex/2009/ and install
(including TeXShop) (once and for all) Now forget about it.
b) Do the above 5 steps.
[C] All I want to know about Windows is what to tell teachers who
have a Windows box what to do instead of a). Then I will try to
borrow a box and figure out what to tell them for what to do instead
of b).
[D] It is because a lot of teachers might accept to do a) but will
still refuse to do b) that I am thinking of making the FrontEnd.
Hopeful regards
--The OP (schremmer)
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