[OS X TeX] engines vs macros/Applescripts

Claus Gerhardt gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Mon May 24 20:40:01 CEST 2010

One can easily incorporate shell scripts into Applescripts whereas the opposite is a pain. Hence, I prefer Applescripts to engines which are by definition shell scripts. The only reason why TeXShop users might prefer engines is that an engine can be permanently chosen in the pop-up menu.

Hence, let me describe how to use Applescripts like engines: Save the Applescript as an application in the Applescript Editor and then define an engine calling this application.

One might define a new Application folder in ~/Library/TeXShop for these applications.

Attached is my pdflatex_error.app, which can be opened in Applescript Editor, which shows the errors in the source file. 

Let me also mention that ~/Flashmode/Applescript-modular contains a whole library of Applescripts which could be either used directly or could be modified.

The engine should look like (the path to the application has to be modified)

# name of the engine

export PATH

open -a ~/Library/Flashmode/Applescripts-modular/pdflatex_error.app

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