[OS X TeX] texshop and preview
Richard Koch
koch at math.uoregon.edu
Sun May 23 04:31:37 CEST 2010
I couldn't stay away from this problem after my initial curt reply.
I just tried the example code, using TeXShop 2.33 on Snow Leopard.
What I see in TeXShop is a circle cut off slightly at the top, so we can see only
half of the thickness of the line there, but with a little space to the left AND right
AND bottom. I don't see a problem with the right hand edge.
HOWEVER, when I look at the resulting pdf in Preview, then the circle is cut off
both at the top, and also at the right side.
This gave me a certain amount of pleasure since the result is the opposite of
Ross' experience on system 10.4.11
I'm virtually certain that Preview uses the same PDFKit code used by TeXShop.
I don't know why the latest Preview cuts the circle off at the right. But I bet the
cut at the top is due to PDFKit rather than, say, to TeXShop's notion of
a bounding box for the pdf. Eventually I'll look into this.
If I look at the result in Adobe Reader, the top is not cut off.
Dick Koch
> On May 22, 2010, at 6:52 PM, Ross Moore wrote:
>> Hi Victor,
>> On 22/05/2010, at 10:48 AM, Victor Ivrii wrote:
>>> The following example was posted in MacOSX TeX mailing list
>>> \documentclass{article}
>>> \usepackage{tikz}
>>> \usepackage[papersize={51pt,51pt},margin=.5pt,centering]{geometry}
>>> \begin{document}
>>> \parindent 0pt
>>> \begin{tikzpicture}
>>> \draw[line width=.5pt] (0,0) circle (24.75pt);
>>> \draw (0,0) node{24.75pt};
>>> \end{tikzpicture}
>>> \end{document}
>>> It results in pdf file which looks perfect in AR, evince, kpdf, Apple
>>> "Get Info" but not in Apple Preview and other applications using the
>>> same engine: it looks like pdf was slightly cropped from the top and a
>>> tiny margin was added on the bottom.
>> When I run this and look at the result there is a problem
>> at the right-hand edge too.
>> BTW, my versions are quite old:
>> Preview v3.0.9
>> Skim 1.2.7 (45)
>> TeXshop 2.31 under MacOS X 10.4.11 .
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