[OS X TeX] texshop and preview
Ross Moore
ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Sun May 23 03:53:50 CEST 2010
Hi David,
On 22/05/2010, at 1:14 PM, David Watson wrote:
>> I see very little reason for such strong reaction.
> I was trying to understand more about what the OP <<wants>> to
> accomplish,
It seemed to me that he was just reporting an inconsistent
behaviour, without really knowing which piece of software
might be the culprit. Many of us do this; it is quite
appropriate for a discussion list such as this one.
> because an imperfection in Preview is meaningless if the pdf is
> otherwise good.
But which Preview?
My previous posting shows that Apple's own Preview works fine
--- at least it did with earlier software versions.
> Moreover, your investigation into the quick view and pdfcrop
> validate my original suggestion that perhaps the OP could change
> the <<process>> and achieve what he desired (i.e. see the pdf
> without the buggy crop).
> I thought what I said was simple and clear enough, but evidently,
> it requires repeating ad nauseum.
> And the OP has yet to comment on whether he is merely pointing out
> a bug in Preview, in which case the OP would be better served to
> report a bug at radar.apple.com, or whether a workaround was needed.
But it is also good to have knowledge of this issue present
within the Archives of this list, since it could be noticed
by others, who will be equally perplexed by it.
Maybe there are alternative ways for TeXshop's preview to be built.
So maybe the issue can be fixed without involving Apple at all.
Certainly I do not know if this is the case, but there will be
someone on this list who will be able to check it out.
In my experience, one's first perception of why software is doing
something different from your expectations is almost invariably
incorrect. It is only when someone who was involved in writing it
takes a good look at the problem that the real cause in uncovered.
> I stand by my original thoughts even more strongly, now.
> The OP could change the process of creating the pdf by including a
> new engine in TeXShop, or on the command line for that matter,
> which calls pdfcrop on the final pdf file.
Yes, that may be true.
But why bother doing this if it is pointless,
because the problem is only in the viewing software?
BTW, when I try using pdfcrop then the PDF does change.
The righthand margin gets lost.
This is evident in all viewers.
Within the PDF itself, the /MediaBox has changed.
original: /MediaBox [0 0 50.809 50.809]
after cropping: /MediaBox [0 0 50 51]
So I would say that this is not an acceptable solution at all.
This was done with
PDFCROP 1.5, 2004/06/24 - Copyright (c) 2002, 2004 by Heiko Oberdiek.
which moves the accurate Bounding Box information into
an /XObject dictionary; viz.
1 0 obj <<
/Type /XObject
/Subtype /Form
/FormType 1
/PTEX.FileName (./tikz-test.pdf)
/PTEX.PageNumber 1
/PTEX.InfoDict 6 0 R
/BBox [0 0 50.809 50.809]
>> Victor
>> --
Hope this helps,
Ross Moore ross.moore at mq.edu.au
Mathematics Department office: E7A-419
Macquarie University tel: +61 (0)2 9850 8955
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