[OS X TeX] texshop and preview
David Watson
dewatson at me.com
Sat May 22 05:14:02 CEST 2010
On May 21, 2010, at 7:41 PM, Victor Ivrii wrote:
> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 6:29 PM, David Watson <dewatson at me.com> wrote:
>> If the OP wants to use Acrobat, that is up to him, and I am not against it, nor am I trying to push Preview on him.
> I am not sure if I can recall who this mysterious OP is
>> What I can't understand is <<why>> it's so important that it looks perfect in Preview, if he ever intends to print this out.
> Definitely pdf looks as it supposed to not only in AR but in Unix
> evince and kpdf, so the problem is definitely not with pdf but with
> Apple pdf rendering engine. What is more: this file looks perfectly in
> "Apple quick view" (get info). However, running pdfcrop example.pdf
> results in example-crop.pdf which looks perfect also in Preview and Co
> which may suggest that something is not completely right with pdf. So
> I will post a relevant part of discussion to pdftex mailing list
> However, let us remember that AR (and AA) is the only full-featured
> pdf viewer. Generally little imperfection in viewing while preparing
> document is not a problem. To be honest I see no reason to be upset
> and not to use TeXShop because of this
>> If you want to be a jerk about it; then be a jerk, I'll stop contributing to OS X TeX, like so many others who found their support unwelcome.
> I see very little reason for such strong reaction.
I was trying to understand more about what the OP <<wants>> to accomplish, because an imperfection in Preview is meaningless if the pdf is otherwise good.
Moreover, your investigation into the quick view and pdfcrop validate my original suggestion that perhaps the OP could change the <<process>> and achieve what he desired (i.e. see the pdf without the buggy crop).
I thought what I said was simple and clear enough, but evidently, it requires repeating ad nauseum.
And the OP has yet to comment on whether he is merely pointing out a bug in Preview, in which case the OP would be better served to report a bug at radar.apple.com, or whether a workaround was needed.
I stand by my original thoughts even more strongly, now.
The OP could change the process of creating the pdf by including a new engine in TeXShop, or on the command line for that matter, which calls pdfcrop on the final pdf file.
> Victor
> --
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