[OS X TeX] texshop and preview
David Arnold
dwarnold45 at suddenlink.net
Fri May 21 22:16:26 CEST 2010
Timothy Van Zandt sent the following to me some time back. I believe it works:
This is coming a bit late, and I'm not sure whether to reply to this thread
or the subsequent "TeXShop Engine" thread. But anyway, here is what I have
been doing for a while.
As noted by others, Distiller doesn't work directly from the command line.
But it can be invoked by an applescript, and then you can run the
applescript from the command line.
What I am going to describe is for Acrobat 8; I don't have Acrobat 9 so I
can't say if it still works the same way.
I have an applescript called "acrodist.scpt" as follows:
on run argv
with timeout of (8 * 60) seconds
tell application "Acrobat Distiller"
Distill sourcePath item 1 of argv
end tell
end timeout
end run
Then I have an executable shell script called "acrodist"
#! /bin/sh
osascript ~/bin/acrodist.scpt $1
Then, in the TeXShop preferences, under "Misc", I define the following
personal script (all on one line, under "Latex Program"):
simpdftex latex --maxpfb --extradvipsopts "-j0" --distiller
(To be honest, I don't remember why I included the "-j0" option.)
And under the Typesetting tab, I set the Default Script to "Personal
On 20/01/2010 01:18, "David Arnold" <dwarnold45 at suddenlink.net> wrote:
> All,
> Does anyone know how to call Acrobat Distiller from a terminal window (i.e.
> from the command line or a script) on the Mac?
> And if so, has anyone set up an engine with Texshop to call acrobat distiller?
> David.
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On May 21, 2010, at 10:10 AM, Alain Matthes wrote:
> Le 21 mai 2010 à 05:05, David Watson a écrit :
>> On May 20, 2010, at 3:01 PM, Margarida Mello wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I am reviving this link (started in October 2009) in the hopes that the situation is different now. Can one set up TeXShop to use Adobe's Acrobat viewer? The reason I'm interested is that the preview is giving me incorrect visualizations in a class of pictures I'm producing. For instance, the code
>> What purpose will these images serve?
> I suppose to show a problem with Apple viewer !
>> In other words, what is it that you intend to do with these images?
>> Maybe you just need a new process, and not a new pdf viewer.
> ??? if the pdf viewer has a bug, why try a new process ?
> And in this case, the process is simple and clear.
> Adobe reader shows a good result but with Texshop
> or Skim the result is ugly ! it's difficult to find
> where is the problem.
> Best Regards
> Alain Matthes
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