[OS X TeX] RE: Creating a new math character
Alan Munn
amunn at gmx.com
Wed May 19 01:13:26 CEST 2010
On May 18, 2010, at 6:56 PM, Maarten Sneep wrote:
> Hi,
> On 19 mei 2010, at 00:32, Lantz Susan wrote:
>> I am not looking for the "for all" symbol. The V with a horizontal
>> line through it is used in thermodynamics and fluid mechanics to
>> represent the volume---and to distinguish it from the velocity,
>> which is written (or typed) as a v without a horizontal line
>> through it.
>> Unlike the "for all" symbol, the horizontal line on the volume
>> character extends past the sides of the V.
> The comprehensive symbol list also contains some advice on how to
> combine symbols to produce your own. I think you'll need to follow
> that route.
I just sent a message to this effect too, but it seems to have
disappeared entirely. Perhaps this will do what you want:
\def\vbar{{\raisebox{.4ex}{$\relbar$}\mkern-14mu V}}
Alan Munn
amunn at gmx.com
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