[OS X TeX] [Slightly OT] Crop marks over a full page image
Alan T Litchfield
alan at alphabyte.co.nz
Sat May 15 22:28:06 CEST 2010
OK. I have looked at this and you ought to have no problem with those
crop marks. You have no need to worry about crops being overlaid by
the image. The guillotine has a long straight edge and will cut those
just as easily as when it cuts the other pages that will be on the
same line, at the same time.
You are correct that commercial printing practice requires a larger
sheet size but this has only partial reference to page size in that
pages on a printed sheet of paper need to also include the crops and
justification marks plus various other printers' marks. The size of
the sheet is more dependent upon the type of press being used and the
printing plates that are going onto it, whether the press is sheet
fed, web offset, etc. Laser printing has very in relation to this
Normally I will give over the job of creating the crops and other
printers' marks to the prepress house because they know what kind of
plates are going to be used and how the imposed pages will be laid up
as signatures on the press. I don't care about that when making books,
it is not my job and is what they are paid to do. Having had a
printing company in the past I know the frustration that comes from
prepress staff when they get jobs that are compiled poorly. One of the
worst offenders in this instance are those 'designers' who think they
can do it better than the prepress staff and they have to then waste
time removing unnecessary or edit poorly executed page layouts.
Unfortunately admin staff staff (sounds like those you have been
dealing with) have little more knowledge and add the the frustration
of those who actually have to do the work.
On 16/05/2010, at 1:29 AM, David Watson wrote:
> Thanks to everyone for the suggestions.
> I may yet have to use them for this project, if the printer doesn't
> like what I have now.
> I was able to do most everything with the functionality provided by
> memoir.
> For anyone interested in taking a look at the layout of the Book of
> Abstracts, I have placed a copy on our webserver:
> http://www.malto2010.org/BoA.pdf
> On May 14, 2010, at 11:58 PM, Axel E. Retif wrote:
>> On 14 May, 2010, at 20:44, David Watson wrote:
>>> I am currently in the process of compiling a book of abstracts for
>>> a meeting-in-miniature.
>>> For this work, I am using the document class memoir.
>>> The printer want bleeds for the cover page of 0.125 inches, and
>>> crop marks, which I've figured out how to do for the remainder of
>>> the document (resetting the \stockheight and \stockwidth and using
>>> \settrims.
>>> The cover page is a real doozy, however, because the bleeds cover
>>> the crop marks.
>> On 14 May, 2010, at 22:40, Alan T Litchfield wrote:
>>> I am surprised the printer is asking you to do this.
>> I don't think it is uncommon, and it's not that hard ---I use a
>> combination of geometry and crop packages for that.
>> And for the bleeding, the package sidecap (even without a caption!)
>> comes handy, as with it ``a wide environment is defined; it allows
>> to use the margin area, e. g., for figures wider than \textwidth''
>> ---just don't make the image so big as to cover the crop marks.
>> Some manual adjustment might be necessary; for example, for a
>> frontispiece I did
>> \thispagestyle{empty}
>> \begin{figure}[h!]
>> \vspace*{-8.5pc}
>> \begin{wide}
>> \hspace*{-6.6pc}\includegraphics{frontispicio_cred_8pt}
>> \end{wide}
>> \end{figure}
>> Best,
>> Axel
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Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand
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