[OS X TeX] Copying PDF from TeXShop

Chris Goedde cgg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 21:09:55 CEST 2010

Hi all,

I'm trying to grab a piece of a pdf from TeXShop and use it in a keynote slide. All I ever get is black text on a transparent background. I thought that the color wells in the "Copy" pane of the preferences allowed one to set the foreground and background colors of the clipping. This is from the help: "It is possible to select a portion of the pdf preview display and copy and paste the resulting graphic into another program. Drag and drop of the selection is also supported. Preference items allow users to select the file type of the copy (pdf, png, jpg, tiff, etc.) and the foreground and background colors and transparency."

Does this not work, or is there something I'm doing wrong or misunderstanding? (I'm using TS 2.29).


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