[OS X TeX] TexShop Feature Request: Command-T while revising a chapter possible?
Herbert Schulz
herbs at wideopenwest.com
Thu Jun 24 01:00:56 CEST 2010
On Jun 23, 2010, at 5:05 PM, Iraj Kalantari wrote:
> When working on a book with chapters to be included, I find myself making repairs a chapter, saving it, and then, instinctively, reaching for 'Command-T'.
> This of course won't work as one must (to the best of my knowledge) go to the including 'book' source and typeset that file.
> Is it possible to arrange that when TeXShop receives a typeset command on a 'chapter', it can be told (until told otherwise) to run the 'book' source that is associated with it (or can be so)?
> Is such an arrangement already available?
> Iraj.
I assume you have a root file (e.g., mybook.tex) that then contains \include or \input commands for the chapters. if so, then place the line
% !TEX root = path/to/mybook.tex
at the top of each chapter file (that way TeXShop ``knows'' where the root file is located). For example, if you have the root file in a folder and each of the chapter files is in a sub-folder of that folder you can write
% !TEX root = ../mybook.tex
at the top of each of the chapter files (.. means go up one folder). If they all reside in the same folder you'd write
% !TEX root = mybook.tex
and it will all work.
Good Luck,
Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
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