[OS X TeX] Re: ANN: TeXShop Webpage Helper
pony777 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 15 13:18:51 CEST 2010
Hi Ramon,
Have an odd bug for you. When inserting symbols via the hyperlinked Gratzer tables you provided, I noticed the following odd behavior.
If I open a new (blank) document in TeXShop and then click one of the hyperlinks, the text is inserted in the new document in what looks like 10pt Helvetica instead of my default editing font. If I then type directly into the window, the new text appears in my default font.
If that isn't weird enough, if I then insert another symbol via hyperlink, this new symbol is inserted using my default font. Now if I go and delete everything in the window and then insert another symbol, it again uses Helvetica.
In summary, it appears that when a symbol is inserted into a blank document, TeXShop's editing font is not respected.
- Nirav
On Jun 14, 2010, at 7:57 PM, Ramón Figueroa-Centeno wrote:
> Aloha Hugh,
>> I downloaded your app. It doesn't work on 10.6.3. Double click the Icon
>> and it
>> looks as if it is starting to open and then never does. It just goes awol.
> Please read the Read Me. That is what it is supposed to do. Open the
> Grätzer Math Symbols Table in TeXShop (included with the download) open a
> document in TeXShop and place the cursor in the text where the symbol you
> want inserted should go. Click on the symbol in the table, and it should get
> inserted. Select a character in your text, click on an accent in the table
> and it should be applied. The TeXShop Webpage Helper (TSWH) application
> translates the click on the link into a command for TeXShop (to the user it
> happens "automagically", TSWH works invisibly).
> If you care, and the user should not, only people making character and
> command tables, what happens is this.
> If you click on a link in a document that has the protocol http:// then the
> system will try to look for who is the default application to handle the
> protocol, i.e., your default browser and open the link in there. Links are
> not only addresses to pages but can encode information. For example,
> <http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=university+of+hawaii+hilo&sll=19.704254,-155.080175&sspn=0.033372,0.07699&gl=us&ie=UTF8&hq=University+of+Hawaii&hnear=University+of+Hawaii,+Hilo,+Hawaii,+96720&ll=19.701425,-155.080175&spn=0.033373,0.07699&z=14>
> is the Google Maps link to my university. It consists of much more than just
> <http://maps.google.com>, as the commands are encoded in the link.
> So what TSWH does is register itself in your computer (by virtue of being
> the only handler of the protocol available) to handle the texshop://
> protocol. Every link in the Grätzer table has instructions encoded for TSWH
> to translate into TeXShop "apple events" (applescript commands that TeXShop
> understands) that instruct TeXShop to insert symbols and apply accents.
> Let me know if this is not clear.
> Ramón
> --
> View this message in context: http://macosx-tex.576846.n2.nabble.com/ANN-TeXShop-Webpage-Helper-tp5176068p5179874.html
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