[OS X TeX] TeXShop 2.34
cfrees at imapmail.org
cfrees at imapmail.org
Sun Jun 6 14:27:10 CEST 2010
On Sat 5th Jun, 2010 at 23:29, Herbert Schulz seems to have written:
> On Jun 5, 2010, at 7:11 PM, <cfrees at imapmail.org> <cfrees at imapmail.org> wrote:
>> On Sat 5th Jun, 2010 at 09:08, Herbert Schulz seems to have written:
>>> I always use the `% !TEX TS-program = xxxx' line so I don't have to remeber which engine to use. I think that's good practice anyway.
>> But then the first run (after file creation or file opening or changing
>> that line) always fails which I always find rather alarming! (And
>> XeLaTeX is significantly slower the pdfLaTeX which makes it more
>> annoying since pdfLaTeX is my default.)
>> - cfr
> Howdy,
> Why are you changing the line? If you've got to do things like pdflatex, bibtex, makeindex, pdflatex, pdflatex use the latexmk engines that TeXShop provides (although they are inactive by default --- move them from ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/Inactive/Latexmk/ up two directories to ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/ to activate them). You'll find instructions in that Latexmk directory.
I don't change the line for those sorts of reasons. It is usually a
matter of creating the line or correcting the line. Because I typically
use pdfLaTeX, I don't always remember to set the line correctly until I
typeset and it doesn't work. Then I correct it, typeset again (which
fails) and then typeset again (which works).
Mostly, though, it is a simply a matter of the document being newly
created or newly opened - I only included the comment about changing
the line for completeness. (When I was fiddling with Venturis, I *did*
experiment by changing the line to adjust the output driver for XeTeX
so I know I see similar failures in that case.)
- cfr
> Good Luck,
> Herb Schulz
> (herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
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