[OS X TeX] Re: [OT] TextWrangler multiple file replace

Nicola nvitacolonna at gmail.com
Sun Jul 25 22:31:17 CEST 2010

In article <00DF43B6-D7B9-4295-AEC7-55AA8375300E at gmx.com>,
 Alan Munn <amunn at gmx.com> wrote:

> Sorry this is only vaguely on topic.  I have a bunch of text files  
> that I would like to do a global replace of the &,$, %  that need to  
> be escaped in LaTeX.  If open one of the files, and do the following  
> search using grep:
> [&$%]
> replace with
> \\\&
> It correctly finds instances of these characters and does the correct  
> replacement.
> However, if I try the same search using the multi-file search, (also  
> using grep) it returns with "The pattern [&$%] was not found.", yet I  
> know there are instances in the files (since I can do the same search  
> on any single file.)
> Can someone confirm this behaviour and/or tell me what I'm doing wrong?

It works flawlessly for me. Most likely, you have checked Exclude 
Matches in Search > Multi-File Search > Options…. Less likely, you have 
checked the wrong option under "Search in".

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