[OS X TeX] Order of numbered files

Victor Ivrii vivrii at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 20:10:51 CEST 2010

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 1:02 PM, Claus Gerhardt
<gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de> wrote:
> The Finder doesn't recognize the strings as natural numbers. You have to replace the single digits by 01, 02, etc, and similarly by 001, 002, ....., 010, ..., if your largest number has three digits.

It used to be this way. Not anymore:finder is now intelligent enough
(10.6 and methink 10.5). Look at screenshot

But if you use UNIX script 12 comes before 2.

Victor Ivrii, Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto
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