[OS X TeX] --shell-escape
Antonio Cosma
acosma at gmail.com
Mon Jul 19 14:34:47 CEST 2010
Dear all
I've been a subscriber to this list for a couple of years, and I take
advantage of this post to thank you all for the valuable help I received. I
usually find the answer to my questions just by browsing old messages, but
this time I didn't succeed, so I dare to post.
I am using Tikz and Gnuplot to produce graphs. I use the default pdflatex
engine to typeset.
I have TexLive 2009 and Gnuplot 4.2 patch 6.
I used the installation suggested by Peter Vamos on this list, and
everything works fine (thanks!) by compiling from the command line
pdflatex --shell-escape gnuplot-basics.tex
I was wandering wether it is possible to pass the "--shell-escape" option by
typesetting with TexShop, for instance by writing in the first line
%& --shell-escape
or something similar
Best regards
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