[OS X TeX] Re: English Localization & German Keyboard w/TeXShop

Juergen Fenn juergen.fenn at gmx.de
Mon Jul 19 01:25:37 CEST 2010

Am 17.07.10 14:30 schrieb Herbert Schulz:

> I'm trying to help someone using a German Keyboard but with an
> English OS. He is having trouble using Source->Comment and
> Source->Uncomment (assigned Cmd-{ and Cmd-} for the English
> Localization). His attempt at doing the equivalent (I guess that is
> the way you get { and } on the German keyboard) of Cmd-Alt-{ doesn't
> work but Cmd-Alt-} does work. Can someone here let me know what they
> use in the same situation?

Well, I hope I got you right on this ... you (or the person you are
trying to help) can easily try it out yourself by simply switching your
system language to (British) English and having a look at the keyboard
layout window. Cmd-{ then is mapped to Shift-ü on a German keyboard,
while Cmd-} will be right next to it at Shift-+ . You can test it right
away, no need to reboot your Mac.

Hope this helps...


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