[OS X TeX] Inline comment in LaTeX?

Jung-Tsung Shen jushen at gmail.com
Sun Jul 18 23:55:54 CEST 2010

Ross and Herb,

On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 4:30 PM, Ross Moore <ross.moore at mq.edu.au> wrote:

> Everyone is different, but I find it useful to use short lines when composing the content of a document. Lines typically contain a single concept, and can be easily reordered while trying to establish the best way to say things. Your choice between different words would fit this.
> Another approach is to tag choices with macros.
> E.g.   \newcommand{\tryfirstoftwo}[2]{#1}
>          \newcommand{\trysecondoftwo}[2]{#2}
> The girl with \tryfirstoftwo{golden}{flaxen} hair.
> ... and similarly with more choices.
> Switching between choices means changing the macro, rather than editing the words.
> This is easily done with Copy/Paste.
> When you are satisfied that you have made all the correct choices, you may want to remove all the excess baggage.  A smart editor, with regular expression matching, should make this a pretty simple task.

Thank you both for the very helpful suggestions. I used to write LaTeX
file in a way as if I was writing an article in the normal way, with
the only difference being the insertion of the LaTeX commands. Never
gave a thought on writing it differently.

Now I might incorporate Ross' suggestion to write each sentence a
line, and see if that helps the writing in many ways. It's a simple
but meaningful change for me.



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