[OS X TeX] epstopdf glitch
Justin C. Walker
justin at mac.com
Tue Jul 13 23:18:18 CEST 2010
On Jul 13, 2010, at 13:56 , Herbert Schulz wrote:
> On Jul 13, 2010, at 3:29 PM, Justin C. Walker wrote:
>> On Jul 13, 2010, at 13:12 , Herbert Schulz wrote:
>>> On Jul 13, 2010, at 2:48 PM, Justin C. Walker wrote:
>> As it happens, I was just checking this when your mail arrived.
>> Turns out there is either a TeXShop/Framework bug lurking on 10.5,
>> or I'm confused.
>> If I switch default scripts (and click OK), the change does not
>> seem to take effect. Only after I exit TeXShop and restart does
>> that happen.
>> Now, if I restart TeXShop between settings, I get the same behavior
>> as on 10.6: with 'Pdftex', it fails the same way on both; with 'Tex
>> +DVI', it succeeds on both.
> Working under 10.6 here right now so I'm not sure about that
> behavior under 10.5. Can you give me the exact steps to reproduce it?
It's pretty easy:
- Launch TeXShop and then open the test file.
- Typeset
- Open Prefs
- Switch Typesetting -> Default Script from one of 'Pdftex' or 'Tex
+DVI' to the other.
- Remove Aux files for the test file
- Typeset
On 10.5, either both succeed, or both fail (with failure when 'Pdftex'
is the starting value). If I exit and relaunch between the switch and
re-typesetting, then the behavior is as you see it on 10.6.
> By the way, since I use different engines for different files I put
> TS-engine line at the top of each file and don't worry about it. The
> line looks like
> % !TEX TS-program = xxxxxx
> where xxxxxx is the name of the engine. LaTeX with TeX+DVI has
> xxxxxx = latex, LaTeX with pdfTeX has xxxxxx = pdflatex. Since I use
> cross references and occasionally a bibliography I often use the
> latexmk or pdflatexmk engines (these `latexmk engines' have to be
> activated --- look in ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/Inactive/Latexmk/
> for the engines and instructions for activating and using them) and
> sometimes I use system fonts and use xelatex or even xelatexmk. That
> way I don't worry about default settings, etc. I'm all for doing it
> once and forgetting it; what can I say, I'm lazy.
I'm even lazier: I'm all for someone else doing it once, and not
thinking about it :-}
Thanks for the tips. I'll give it a shot.
Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon at Large
Institute for the Absorption of Federal Funds
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb
voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting
the vote.
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