[OS X TeX] epstopdf glitch
Justin C. Walker
justin at mac.com
Tue Jul 13 01:04:13 CEST 2010
On Jul 12, 2010, at 09:56 , Herbert Schulz wrote:
> On Jul 12, 2010, at 11:37 AM, Justin C. Walker wrote:
>> Thanks! You tickled a vague memory which turned out to be accurate
>> for a change: I had set the "default script" on my 10.5 system to
>> "Tex+DVI", while on the 10.6 system it was set to "Pdftex".
>> Typesetting worked after switching to the former.
>> Next question (for those of us in the cheap seats): what is the
>> magic that makes this work in the first case?
>> And why would one prefer one setting to another in general? Unless
>> that is way too general a question for a mailing list :-}
> First... if you are really using an updated MacTeX(TeX Live)-2010
> pretest it should still just work unless one of those other problems
> I mentioned are there.
Making sure I understand the above, since I'm not sure what you mean
by an "updated ...pretest". I have been updating via TLU all along,
and the latest update was shortly before I started this thread. I
have not downloaded and installed any recent mactex tarballs. With
that, the 10.6 installation presented me with the failure that
prompted all this, and I "fixed" the problem by switching to "Tex+DVI"
on 10.6.
Is there still an issue?
Thanks for your help (and clarifying some things along the way).
Justin C. Walker
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