[OS X TeX] Still trying to understand autocompletion

Alan Munn amunn at gmx.com
Sun Jul 11 17:17:25 CEST 2010

Hi again.  Thanks to Herb and Dick for fixing the autocompletion bug.   
I hope I haven't found another one, and the following is just me not  
understanding how it's supposed to work:

If I type:

and hit Tab or Esc

I get the following:


Surely that linebreak shouldn't be there?  Can I get rid of it?   And  
what's the • after the \end{itemize} doing there?


(On a separate note, auto completion messes with a great parenthesis  
balancer (AutoPairs) that I use, but I doubt this is a fixable  
problem, and I'll have to decide which is more useful to me in  

Alan Munn
amunn at gmx.com

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