[OS X TeX] Command Completion Trigger with TeXShop.
Gary L. Gray
gray at engr.psu.edu
Fri Jul 2 18:18:33 CEST 2010
On Jul 2, 2010, at 12:24 AM, Herbert Schulz wrote:
> On Jul 1, 2010, at 9:23 PM, Gary L. Gray wrote:
>> On Jul 1, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Herbert Schulz wrote:
>>> I've seen some requests for a change for the Command Completion Trigger Key, presently Esc, to Tab or some other key. Would a permanent change to e.g. Tab be ok or a choice between Esc and Tab? I don't think we should make it user programmable for other reasons. Oh... the Tab key would insert a Tab if there was no matching completion; don't know how to handle a case where the previous characters are an expansion but you really want a Tab. Hmmmm...
>>> I'd like to know what you folks would like. I'm also interested in what shortcuts you might like for the Source->Completion->Marks->Next/Previous Mark commands (presently Ctl-Cmd-F/G). I haven't been successful trying to bind then to Opt-Tab and Opt-Shft-Tab.
>>> My tendency is to leave it all alone. But...
>> Please leave as is. I have written thousands of pages with escape as the trigger and I am too old to relearn it. :-)
>> -- Gary
> Howdy,
> Now you know why I made my last statement. :-)
> One thing... Dick Koch has figured out what has to be done to be able to use Tab rather than Esc. The question is whether this is really something that is needed. This is especially true since I can't seem to get the Next Mark command tied to something like Opt-Tab or Ctl-Tab. etc., so any consistent assignment doesn't seem to be available.
> Do I remember wrong (think of my age!)? Did you want Next/Previous Mark assigned different shortcuts? Were you able to do that using the Keyboard (Keyboard & Mouse in 10.4/5 I believe) Preference Pane?
I did, but it is easy to change using the Keyboard pref pane (I am doing it under 10.6).
-- Gary
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