[OS X TeX] Problem with TLU and .map

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Jan 20 19:20:57 CET 2010

Am 20.01.2010 um 18:15 schrieb Alain Matthes:

>> The state of the MAP files has no connections with the FMT files...
> No and  Yes When TLU works for me, I get  an error with the .map and  
> then
> TLU stops  and I need to finish the work !

I see. So try to disable first any old entry. This entry might be  
incorrect, so try initially:

	sudo updmap-sys --listmaps | grep -i CONCRETE

Then disable:

	sudo updmap-sys --disable <the found CONCRETE.MAP spelling(s), by  
maybe more than one invocation>

The failure that kpsewhich shows can be caused by the MAP file  
fragment's extension "MAP" in big capitals. Kpsewhich has built-in  
many file name extensions, all lower-case. This mis-match might cause  
the failure you observed. It might be necessary to down-case the file  
name's extension in order to allow tlmgr to finish successfully its  
job. To make all components of TeX work correctly you would need to:

• remove this MAP file fragment from your private MAP file
• remove it also from the system's MAP file, in whatever spelling
• rename it, maybe via a temporary name (because HFS assumes  
CONCRETE.MAP and CONCRETE.map are the same)
• run texhash
• enable it finally, maybe best after testing with --syncwithtrees and  
--listavailablemaps, for the system and, if needed, also privately
• finally build the FMT files which were not built by tlmgr



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