[OS X TeX] Custom labels in Paralist

Alan Munn amunn at msu.edu
Tue Jan 5 21:32:33 CET 2010

At 2:34 PM -0500 1/5/10, Alain Schremmer wrote:
>In the paralist package, the tokens 1, A, a, I, i, create the obvious labels.
>Occasionally, I would find it very convenient to have lists with 
>labels such as M N O P Q
>Would there be a way to force paralist ,or even another package, to do so?

At the beginning of the list (before the first item), just increase 
the relevant counter to 12.  If it really is occasionally this should 


\item foo
\item bar

The enumitem package allows you to specify the starting counter in 
the list setup.  But if you're happy with paralist, you might as well 
stick with it.


Alan Munn						amunn at msu.edu
Department of Linguistics
and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages		Tel. 
Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48824 USA	Fax	517-432-2736

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