[OS X TeX] New Macros, new Engines, new TeXShop versions, and all that

Gerrit Glabbart g.glabbart at googlemail.com
Sun Feb 21 21:40:32 CET 2010

2010/2/21 Richard J Benish <rjbenish at teleport.com>

> (For example, I love different typefaces. I have a background in graphic
> arts. But the prospect of trying to simply install a new font in TexShop
> scares the hell out of me. I resign myself to just stick to the default.)

1) MacTeX does come with a number of typefaces beyond Computer/Latin Modern.
I'm quite partial to the TeX Gyre collection, myself. The challenge is to
find out -- or guess -- the name with which to call them.

2) Have you looked into XeLaTeX? It allows you to pick any font your system
knows about, and "just works" for a lot of people. Worth a try.

-- G.
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