[OS X TeX] extrange error

Sr Sur igaoss at gmail.com
Sat Feb 6 22:21:36 CET 2010

Hi everybody!!,

I have an extrange error, that ocurs some times. For example I start TeX
Shop and I typeset the master achive and it is correct (perhaps slower),
then I re-typset the document an then the error below apears:

Current allocation mode is local

Last OS error: 2

Current file position is 933872

GPL Ghostscript 8.70: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

### FAILED to generate /tmp/altpdflatex.783-1265488046/Tesis.pdf ()

I thought that perhaps was the Texshop actualisation (2.30) but in other Mac
with 2.29 version I have the same problem....

This is some problem with my archive but I don't know where is the mistake.

Atte: Sr. Sur
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